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Tag: #cleehills

‘Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe! If you believe, clap your hands!’*

‘Do you believe in fairies? Say quick that you believe! If you believe, clap your hands!’*

This is the story of an encounter with the fair folk over 100 hundred years ago. I first came across it some time ago in a book on Shropshire Folklore. Curious to find out more I explored maps, local history and the accounts of the 19th century Romany scholar who captured it in ink. Its roots are unknown but it is set on the slopes of the hill where I live and travelled to at least North Wales via the…

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There Be Giants In Them Blue Remembered Hills….

There Be Giants In Them Blue Remembered Hills….

The Giants of the Blue Remembered Hills of Shropshire… Ever since my small days I particularly liked folklore and legends concerning giants: wicked, kind, silly or funny giants they were all the same to me. Amongst my favourites were Jack’s adversary of ‘fee fi foe fum’ fame who fell down the bean stalk and Oscar Wilde’s ‘Selfish Giant’ whose heart was melted by a gentle child. Later I discovered there were older, more dangerous giants, movers and shapers who tore…

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